Friday 14 October 2011


Change always seemed to scare people, large and noticeable changes that the masses could coral together and stand up against, where their lives would be altered in some horrendous way and they would never be able to go back to the way things once were. Kiruss wasn't exactly afraid of change so much as he was just open to everything that was presented to him. Being moved several systems away at your parents whim, having the capsuleer life thrust upon him, almost getting your footings in the stable high-sec regions only to be swept off to Placid, and just as quickly, some would argue too quick and too conveniently, being moved into a wormhole system and managing a control tower. Well that was all just fine with Kiruss and he was content to just go with the flow.

So having to give his corporation a "rebirth" of sorts wasn't seem as that big of a deal, in some ways a change can bring peace to you. This is what Kiruss was feeling now as he sat at his workstation, as usual, having recently placed a small ad over the IGS. Hopefully something would come of it, despite Kat's protests that it would dampen his profits, it would be nice to have some more bodies around the tower to help the cause.

He had put a lot of emphasis on what they could earn out here in the wormhole. If Kat was any indication, profits could motivate people to do what they might not normally do. Kat really didn't seem like the type to go looking for wormholes all on his own. He probably could have lived out the rest of his days, which would be a very long time being a capsuleer, mining the same rocks in the same asteroid field. Then again Kiruss really didn't know Kat that well.

If you build it, they well come. Well Kiruss built it, suppose he would just be waiting now, for likely a long time. Capsuleers, for all their curiosity, extravagance, and liquid assets were apparently shy of cutting themselves off from the Cluster for like, what, possibly forever? Sissies.


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