Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Kiruss stood at a fork in the road, to be more precise he stood at a very busy intersection, in his life. A post in the center with many planks of wood shaped into arrows, destinations scrawled crudely on them, gave him direction to where these paths went. This marker though gave no indication as to what was right and what was wrong, but just before the horizon of each path stood something he would hoped or knew he would obtain from this path.

Some showed glamour, riches, and associations while others had what almost appeared to be images of Kiruss himself, somewhere in the future along that particular path. His eyes continued back to a very thin path, one where he would not be able to walk beside anyone as a friend along it, only having to be lead or to lead himself. At the end of this path though stood a man and two hounds. The simplest (though not least favoured) 'prize' in comparison to the other paths, each having a far more detailed or visually appealing end point, but still Kiruss continued to fall back to this one path.

There is of course no such place like this in the real-world, an intersection where one can go to visually see the choices that lay before them, but that doesn't make it any less real to Kiruss as he opens his eyes. Looking about the room he has shared with Kyber and occasionally their hounds for quite some time, the decor was plain and boring, there was a sense that many people had inhabited this room but few had stayed for long. Kiruss wondered how long the two would stay here themselves.

He twitched his nose and scratched at the side of his jaw for a few moments before standing, passing through the small door to the refresher almost going in sideways like a crab because the door was so thin, washing his face before returning back to the edge of the bed where he sat down. He contemplated back to this wild intersection his mind had created for him to cope and all of the choices he really could make; it was not as if choosing one banished him from dawdling along to another path here and there, Kyber had told him this very thing in regards to 'his' path, except that it was very likely choosing that path would block off others indefinitely.

Regardless of this worry Kiruss closed his eyes again to the intersection, laying down on the bed while still leaving his feet to hang over the edge, then taking a step forward.


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